Developer API

WorldEdit provides a stable public interface for other mods and plugins to build off of. It provides platform-independent interfaces and classes for working with Minecraft blocks, biomes, and worlds. Limited entity support is present as well.

API Libraries

You can get the API via a Maven repository, compatible with Maven, Gradle, sbt, and many other build systems. The repository is, and WorldEdit is under the group com.sk89q.worldedit. Depending on which parts of the API you need, choose one of the following names:

  • worldedit-core: The core APIs. Does not depend on any platform, and provides no conversion classes.

  • worldedit-bukkit: The Bukkit implementation. Depends on Bukkit API and provides conversion between Bukkit types and WorldEdit types using BukkitAdapter.

  • worldedit-fabric-mcXYZ: The Fabric implementation. Depends on Fabric API and provides conversion between Fabric types and WorldEdit types using FabricAdapter. Replace XYZ with the appropriate Minecraft version.

  • worldedit-neoforge-mcXYZ: The NeoForge implementation. Depends on NeoForge and provides conversion between NeoForge types and WorldEdit types using ForgeAdapter. Replace XYZ with the appropriate Minecraft version.

  • worldedit-sponge-mcXYZ: The Sponge implementation. Depends on Sponge API and provides conversion between Sponge types and WorldEdit types using SpongeAdapter. Replace XYZ with the appropriate Minecraft version. (Only supports up to 1.12.2 due to Sponge only being available up to that version.)

  • worldedit-cli: The command-line implementation. Probably not very useful as a dependency, but could be used to automatically run WorldEdit outside of Minecraft.

The version is dependent on the version of Minecraft you are building for. 6 is for Minecraft versions 1.12.2 and below, and 7 is for 1.13 and above. Support is only offered for the latest WorldEdit version, and the latest Minecraft version, but generally the API is similar enough across versions that examples are very similar. These documents also only cover the latest version of WorldEdit, although old versions may be reached using the navigator in the bottom right. The exact version matches the version on the downloads page, or you can browse the repository itself:

To get started with the API, read API Concepts. Some common API usages are documented in API Examples. When developing, take note of Internal APIs to ensure you’re using supported APIs. If you need the Javadocs, they are hosted at