

Arguments enclosed in [ ] are optional, those enclosed in < > are required.


You can access a command listing in-game via the //help command.

General Commands

/worldedit (or /we)

Description WorldEdit commands
Usage /worldedit <help|version|reload|cui|tz|report>

/worldedit help

Description Displays help for WorldEdit commands
Usage /worldedit help [-s] [-p <page>] [command...]
  [-s] List sub-commands of the given command, if applicable
  [-p <page>] The page to retrieve
  [command...] The command to retrieve help for

/worldedit version (or /worldedit ver)

Description Get WorldEdit version
Usage /worldedit version

/worldedit reload

Description Reload configuration
Permissions worldedit.reload
Usage /worldedit reload

/worldedit cui

Description Complete CUI handshake (internal usage)
Usage /worldedit cui

/worldedit tz

Description Set your timezone for snapshots
Usage /worldedit tz <timezone>
  <timezone> The timezone to set

/worldedit report

Description Writes a report on WorldEdit
Usage /worldedit report [-p]
  [-p] Pastebins the report

/undo (or //undo)

Description Undoes the last action (from history)
Permissions worldedit.history.undo, worldedit.history.undo.self
Usage /undo [times] [player]
  [times] Number of undoes to perform
  [player] Undo this player’s operations

/redo (or //redo)

Description Redoes the last action (from history)
Permissions worldedit.history.redo, worldedit.history.redo.self
Usage /redo [times] [player]
  [times] Number of redoes to perform
  [player] Redo this player’s operations

/clearhistory (or //clearhistory)

Description Clear your history
Permissions worldedit.history.clear
Usage /clearhistory


Description Modify block change limit
Permissions worldedit.limit
Usage //limit [limit]
  [limit] The limit to set


Description Modify evaluation timeout time.
Permissions worldedit.timeout
Usage //timeout [limit]
  [limit] The timeout time to set


Description Toggle fast mode
Usage //fast [fastMode]
  [fastMode] The new fast mode state


Description Sets the reorder mode of WorldEdit
Permissions worldedit.reorder
Usage //reorder [reorderMode]
  [reorderMode] The reorder mode


Description Toggle drawing the current selection
Permissions worldedit.drawsel
Usage //drawsel [drawSelection]
  [drawSelection] The new draw selection state


Description Sets the world override
Usage //world [world]
  [world] The world override



Changes watchdog hook state.

This is dependent on platform implementation. Not all platforms support watchdog hooks, or contain a watchdog.

Permissions worldedit.watchdog
Usage //watchdog [hookMode]
  [hookMode] The mode to set the watchdog hook to

/gmask (or //gmask)

Description Set the global mask
Usage /gmask [mask]
  [mask] The mask to set

/toggleplace (or //toggleplace)

Description Switch between your position and pos1 for placement
Usage /toggleplace

/searchitem (or //searchitem, //l, //search)

Description Search for an item
Permissions worldedit.searchitem
Usage /searchitem [-bi] [-p <page>] <query...>
  [-b] Only search for blocks
  [-i] Only search for items
  [-p <page>] Page of results to return
  <query...> Search query

Selection Commands


Description Set position 1
Permissions worldedit.selection.pos
Usage //pos1 [coordinates]
  [coordinates] Coordinates to set position 1 to


Description Set position 2
Permissions worldedit.selection.pos
Usage //pos2 [coordinates]
  [coordinates] Coordinates to set position 2 to


Description Set position 1 to targeted block
Permissions worldedit.selection.hpos
Usage //hpos1


Description Set position 2 to targeted block
Permissions worldedit.selection.hpos
Usage //hpos2


Description Set the selection to your current chunk.
Permissions worldedit.selection.chunk
Usage //chunk [-cs] [coordinates]
  [coordinates] The chunk to select
  [-s] Expand your selection to encompass all chunks that are part of it
  [-c] Use chunk coordinates instead of block coordinates


Description Get the wand object
Permissions worldedit.wand
Usage //wand [-n]
  [-n] Get a navigation wand


Description Remind the user that the wand is now a tool and can be unbound with /none.
Permissions worldedit.wand.toggle
Usage /toggleeditwand


Description Contract the selection area
Permissions worldedit.selection.contract
Usage //contract <amount> [reverseAmount] [direction]
  <amount> Amount to contract the selection by
  [reverseAmount] Amount to contract the selection by in the other direction
  [direction] Direction to contract


Description Shift the selection area
Permissions worldedit.selection.shift
Usage //shift <amount> [direction]
  <amount> Amount to shift the selection by
  [direction] Direction to contract


Description Outset the selection area
Permissions worldedit.selection.outset
Usage //outset [-hv] <amount>
  <amount> Amount to expand the selection by in all directions
  [-h] Only expand horizontally
  [-v] Only expand vertically


Description Inset the selection area
Permissions worldedit.selection.inset
Usage //inset [-hv] <amount>
  <amount> Amount to contract the selection by in all directions
  [-h] Only contract horizontally
  [-v] Only contract vertically


Description Get information about the selection
Permissions worldedit.selection.size
Usage //size [-c]
  [-c] Get clipboard info instead


Description Counts the number of blocks matching a mask
Permissions worldedit.analysis.count
Usage //count <mask>
  <mask> The mask of blocks to match


Description Get the distribution of blocks in the selection
Permissions worldedit.analysis.distr
Usage //distr [-cd] [-p <page>]
  [-c] Get the distribution of the clipboard instead
  [-d] Separate blocks by state
  [-p <page>] Gets page from a previous distribution.

//sel (or /;, //desel, //deselect)

Description Choose a region selector
Usage //sel [-d] [selector]
  [selector] Selector to switch to
  [-d] Set default selector


Description Expand the selection area
Permissions worldedit.selection.expand
Usage //expand <vert|<amount> [reverseAmount] [direction]>
  <amount> Amount to expand the selection by, can be vert to expand to the whole vertical column
  [reverseAmount] Amount to expand the selection by in the other direction
  [direction] Direction to expand

//expand vert

Description Vertically expand the selection to world limits.
Usage //expand vert

Region Commands


Description Sets all the blocks in the region
Permissions worldedit.region.set
Usage //set <pattern>
  <pattern> The pattern of blocks to set



Draws line segments between cuboid selection corners or convex polyhedral selection vertices

Can only be used with a cuboid selection or a convex polyhedral selection

Permissions worldedit.region.line
Usage //line [-h] <pattern> [thickness]
  <pattern> The pattern of blocks to place
  [thickness] The thickness of the line
  [-h] Generate only a shell



Draws a spline through selected points

Can only be used with a convex polyhedral selection

Permissions worldedit.region.curve
Usage //curve [-h] <pattern> [thickness]
  <pattern> The pattern of blocks to place
  [thickness] The thickness of the curve
  [-h] Generate only a shell

//replace (or //re, //rep)

Description Replace all blocks in the selection with another
Permissions worldedit.region.replace
Usage //replace [from] <to>
  [from] The mask representing blocks to replace
  <to> The pattern of blocks to replace with


Description Set a block on top of blocks in the region
Permissions worldedit.region.overlay
Usage //overlay <pattern>
  <pattern> The pattern of blocks to overlay

//center (or //middle)

Description Set the center block(s)
Usage //center <pattern>
  <pattern> The pattern of blocks to set


Description 3 layers of dirt on top then rock below
Permissions worldedit.region.naturalize
Usage //naturalize


Description Build the four sides of the selection
Permissions worldedit.region.walls
Usage //walls <pattern>
  <pattern> The pattern of blocks to set

//faces (or //outline)

Description Build the walls, ceiling, and floor of a selection
Permissions worldedit.region.faces
Usage //faces <pattern>
  <pattern> The pattern of blocks to set



Smooth the elevation in the selection

Example: ‘//smooth 1 grass_block,dirt,stone’ would only smooth natural surface terrain.

Permissions worldedit.region.smooth
Usage //smooth [iterations] [mask]
  [iterations] # of iterations to perform
  [mask] The mask of blocks to use as the height map


Description Move the contents of the selection
Permissions worldedit.region.move
Usage //move [-abes] [count] [direction] [replace] [-m <mask>]
  [count] # of blocks to move
  [direction] The direction to move
  [replace] The pattern of blocks to leave
  [-s] Shift the selection to the target location
  [-a] Ignore air blocks
  [-e] Also copy entities
  [-b] Also copy biomes
  [-m <mask>] Set the include mask, non-matching blocks become air


Description Repeat the contents of the selection
Permissions worldedit.region.stack
Usage //stack [-abes] [count] [direction] [-m <mask>]
  [count] # of copies to stack
  [direction] The direction to stack
  [-s] Shift the selection to the last stacked copy
  [-a] Ignore air blocks
  [-e] Also copy entities
  [-b] Also copy biomes
  [-m <mask>] Set the include mask, non-matching blocks become air


Description Regenerates the contents of the selection
Permissions worldedit.regen
Usage //regen



Deforms a selected region with an expression

The expression is executed for each block and is expected to modify the variables x, y and z to point to a new block to fetch. See also

Permissions worldedit.region.deform
Usage //deform [-or] <expression...>
  <expression...> The expression to use
  [-r] Use the game’s coordinate origin
  [-o] Use the selection’s center as origin



Hollows out the object contained in this selection

Thickness is measured in manhattan distance.

Permissions worldedit.region.hollow
Usage //hollow [thickness] [pattern]
  [thickness] Thickness of the shell to leave
  [pattern] The pattern of blocks to replace the hollowed area with


Description Make a forest within the region
Permissions worldedit.region.forest
Usage //forest [type] [density]
  [type] The type of tree to place
  [density] The density of the forest


Description Make flora within the region
Permissions worldedit.region.flora
Usage //flora [density]
  [density] The density of the forest

Generation Commands


Description Generates a hollow cylinder.
Permissions worldedit.generation.cylinder
Usage //hcyl <pattern> <radii> [height]
  <pattern> The pattern of blocks to generate
  <radii> The radii of the cylinder. 1st is N/S, 2nd is E/W
  [height] The height of the cylinder


Description Generates a cylinder.
Permissions worldedit.generation.cylinder
Usage //cyl [-h] <pattern> <radii> [height]
  <pattern> The pattern of blocks to generate
  <radii> The radii of the cylinder. 1st is N/S, 2nd is E/W
  [height] The height of the cylinder
  [-h] Make a hollow cylinder


Description Generates a hollow sphere.
Permissions worldedit.generation.sphere
Usage //hsphere [-r] <pattern> <radii>
  <pattern> The pattern of blocks to generate
  <radii> The radii of the sphere. Order is N/S, U/D, E/W
  [-r] Raise the bottom of the sphere to the placement position


Description Generates a filled sphere.
Permissions worldedit.generation.sphere
Usage //sphere [-hr] <pattern> <radii>
  <pattern> The pattern of blocks to generate
  <radii> The radii of the sphere. Order is N/S, U/D, E/W
  [-r] Raise the bottom of the sphere to the placement position
  [-h] Make a hollow sphere


Description Generate a forest
Permissions worldedit.generation.forest
Usage /forestgen [size] [type] [density]
  [size] The size of the forest, in blocks
  [type] The type of forest
  [density] The density of the forest, between 0 and 100


Description Generate pumpkin patches
Permissions worldedit.generation.pumpkins
Usage /pumpkins [size]
  [size] The size of the patch


Description Generate a hollow pyramid
Permissions worldedit.generation.pyramid
Usage //hpyramid <pattern> <size>
  <pattern> The pattern of blocks to set
  <size> The size of the pyramid


Description Generate a filled pyramid
Permissions worldedit.generation.pyramid
Usage //pyramid [-h] <pattern> <size>
  <pattern> The pattern of blocks to set
  <size> The size of the pyramid
  [-h] Make a hollow pyramid

//generate (or //gen, //g)


Generates a shape according to a formula.

See also

Permissions worldedit.generation.shape
Usage //generate [-chor] <pattern> <expression...>
  <pattern> The pattern of blocks to set
  <expression...> Expression to test block placement locations and set block type
  [-h] Generate a hollow shape
  [-r] Use the game’s coordinate origin
  [-o] Use the placement’s coordinate origin
  [-c] Use the selection’s center as origin

//generatebiome (or //genbiome, //gb)


Sets biome according to a formula.

See also

Permissions worldedit.generation.shape.biome
Usage //generatebiome [-chor] <target> <expression...>
  <target> The biome type to set
  <expression...> Expression to test block placement locations and set biome type
  [-h] Generate a hollow shape
  [-r] Use the game’s coordinate origin
  [-o] Use the placement’s coordinate origin
  [-c] Use the selection’s center as origin

Schematic and Clipboard Commands

/schematic (or /schem, //schematic, //schem)

Description Schematic commands for saving/loading areas
Permissions worldedit.schematic.delete, worldedit.schematic.list, worldedit.clipboard.load,, worldedit.schematic.formats, worldedit.schematic.load,
Usage /schematic <list|formats|load|delete|save>

/schematic list (or /schematic all, /schematic ls)


List saved schematics

Note: Format is not fully verified until loading.

Permissions worldedit.schematic.list
Usage /schematic list [-dn] [-p <page>]
  [-p <page>] Page to view.
  [-d] Sort by date, oldest first
  [-n] Sort by date, newest first

/schematic formats (or /schematic listformats, /schematic f)

Description List available formats
Permissions worldedit.schematic.formats
Usage /schematic formats

/schematic load

Description Load a schematic into your clipboard
Permissions worldedit.clipboard.load, worldedit.schematic.load
Usage /schematic load <filename> [formatName]
  <filename> File name.
  [formatName] Format name.

/schematic delete (or /schematic d)

Description Delete a saved schematic
Permissions worldedit.schematic.delete
Usage /schematic delete <filename>
  <filename> File name.

/schematic save

Description Save a schematic into your clipboard
Usage /schematic save [-f] <filename> [formatName]
  <filename> File name.
  [formatName] Format name.
  [-f] Overwrite an existing file.


Description Copy the selection to the clipboard
Permissions worldedit.clipboard.copy
Usage //copy [-be] [-m <mask>]
  [-e] Also copy entities
  [-b] Also copy biomes
  [-m <mask>] Set the include mask, non-matching blocks become air


Description Cut the selection to the clipboard
Permissions worldedit.clipboard.cut
Usage //cut [-be] [leavePattern] [-m <mask>]
  [leavePattern] Pattern to leave in place of the selection
  [-e] Also cut entities
  [-b] Also copy biomes, source biomes are unaffected
  [-m <mask>] Set the exclude mask, non-matching blocks become air


Description Paste the clipboard’s contents
Permissions worldedit.clipboard.paste
Usage //paste [-abenos] [-m <sourceMask>]
  [-a] Skip air blocks
  [-o] Paste at the original position
  [-s] Select the region after pasting
  [-n] No paste, select only. (Implies -s)
  [-e] Paste entities if available
  [-b] Paste biomes if available
  [-m <sourceMask>] Only paste blocks matching this mask



Rotate the contents of the clipboard

Non-destructively rotate the contents of the clipboard. Angles are provided in degrees and a positive angle will result in a clockwise rotation. Multiple rotations can be stacked. Interpolation is not performed so angles should be a multiple of 90 degrees.

Permissions worldedit.clipboard.rotate
Usage //rotate <yRotate> [xRotate] [zRotate]
  <yRotate> Amount to rotate on the y-axis
  [xRotate] Amount to rotate on the x-axis
  [zRotate] Amount to rotate on the z-axis


Description Flip the contents of the clipboard across the origin
Permissions worldedit.clipboard.flip
Usage //flip [direction]
  [direction] The direction to flip, defaults to look direction.


Description Clear your clipboard
Permissions worldedit.clipboard.clear
Usage /clearclipboard

Tool Commands


Description Binds a tool to the item in your hand
Usage /tool <navwand|deltree|none|tree|lrbuild|repl|floodfill|selwand|info|farwand|cycler>

/tool navwand

Description Navigation wand tool
Permissions worldedit.setwand
Usage /tool navwand

/tool deltree

Description Floating tree remover tool
Permissions worldedit.tool.deltree
Usage /tool deltree

/tool none (or /tool unbind)

Description Unbind a bound tool from your current item
Usage /tool none

/tool tree

Description Tree generator tool
Permissions worldedit.tool.tree
Usage /tool tree [type]
  [type] Type of tree to generate

/tool lrbuild

Description Long-range building tool
Permissions worldedit.tool.lrbuild
Usage /tool lrbuild <primary> <secondary>
  <primary> Pattern to set on left-click
  <secondary> Pattern to set on right-click

/tool repl

Description Block replacer tool
Permissions worldedit.tool.replacer
Usage /tool repl <pattern>
  <pattern> The pattern of blocks to place

/tool floodfill (or /tool flood)

Description Flood fill tool
Permissions worldedit.tool.flood-fill
Usage /tool floodfill <pattern> <range>
  <pattern> The pattern to flood fill
  <range> The range to perform the fill

/tool selwand

Description Selection wand tool
Permissions worldedit.setwand
Usage /tool selwand

/tool info

Description Block information tool
Usage /tool info

/tool farwand

Description Wand at a distance tool
Permissions worldedit.tool.farwand
Usage /tool farwand

/tool cycler

Description Block data cycler tool
Usage /tool cycler



This command is deprecated. Global tool names cause conflicts and will be removed in WorldEdit 8.

Use /tool none instead.

Description Unbind a bound tool from your current item
Usage /none

/selwand (or //selwand)


This command is deprecated. Global tool names cause conflicts and will be removed in WorldEdit 8.

Use /tool selwand instead.

Description Selection wand tool
Permissions worldedit.setwand
Usage /selwand

/navwand (or //navwand)


This command is deprecated. Global tool names cause conflicts and will be removed in WorldEdit 8.

Use /tool navwand instead.

Description Navigation wand tool
Permissions worldedit.setwand
Usage /navwand



This command is deprecated. Global tool names cause conflicts and will be removed in WorldEdit 8.

Use /tool info instead.

Description Block information tool
Usage /info



This command is deprecated. Global tool names cause conflicts and will be removed in WorldEdit 8.

Use /tool tree instead.

Description Tree generator tool
Permissions worldedit.tool.tree
Usage /tree [type]
  [type] Type of tree to generate



This command is deprecated. Global tool names cause conflicts and will be removed in WorldEdit 8.

Use /tool repl instead.

Description Block replacer tool
Permissions worldedit.tool.replacer
Usage /repl <pattern>
  <pattern> The pattern of blocks to place



This command is deprecated. Global tool names cause conflicts and will be removed in WorldEdit 8.

Use /tool cycler instead.

Description Block data cycler tool
Usage /cycler

/floodfill (or /flood)


This command is deprecated. Global tool names cause conflicts and will be removed in WorldEdit 8.

Use /tool floodfill instead.

Description Flood fill tool
Permissions worldedit.tool.flood-fill
Usage /floodfill <pattern> <range>
  <pattern> The pattern to flood fill
  <range> The range to perform the fill



This command is deprecated. Global tool names cause conflicts and will be removed in WorldEdit 8.

Use /tool deltree instead.

Description Floating tree remover tool
Permissions worldedit.tool.deltree
Usage /deltree



This command is deprecated. Global tool names cause conflicts and will be removed in WorldEdit 8.

Use /tool farwand instead.

Description Wand at a distance tool
Permissions worldedit.tool.farwand
Usage /farwand

/lrbuild (or //lrbuild)


This command is deprecated. Global tool names cause conflicts and will be removed in WorldEdit 8.

Use /tool lrbuild instead.

Description Long-range building tool
Permissions worldedit.tool.lrbuild
Usage /lrbuild <primary> <secondary>
  <primary> Pattern to set on left-click
  <secondary> Pattern to set on right-click

// (or /,)

Description Toggle the super pickaxe function
Permissions worldedit.superpickaxe
Usage // [superPickaxe]
  [superPickaxe] The new super pickaxe state


Description Set the brush mask
Permissions worldedit.brush.options.mask
Usage /mask [mask]
  [mask] The mask to set

/material (or //material)

Description Set the brush material
Permissions worldedit.brush.options.material
Usage /material <pattern>
  <pattern> The pattern of blocks to use


Description Set the brush range
Permissions worldedit.brush.options.range
Usage /range <range>
  <range> The range of the brush


Description Set the brush size
Permissions worldedit.brush.options.size
Usage /size <size>
  <size> The size of the brush


Description Set the mask used to stop tool traces
Permissions worldedit.brush.options.tracemask
Usage /tracemask [mask]
  [mask] The trace mask to set

Super Pickaxe Commands

/superpickaxe (or /pickaxe, /sp)

Description Super-pickaxe commands
Permissions worldedit.superpickaxe.area, worldedit.superpickaxe.recursive, worldedit.superpickaxe
Usage /superpickaxe <single|area|recursive>

/superpickaxe single

Description Enable the single block super pickaxe mode
Permissions worldedit.superpickaxe
Usage /superpickaxe single

/superpickaxe area

Description Enable the area super pickaxe pickaxe mode
Permissions worldedit.superpickaxe.area
Usage /superpickaxe area <range>
  <range> The range of the area pickaxe

/superpickaxe recursive (or /superpickaxe recur)

Description Enable the recursive super pickaxe pickaxe mode
Permissions worldedit.superpickaxe.recursive
Usage /superpickaxe recursive <range>
  <range> The range of the recursive pickaxe

Brush Commands

/brush (or /br, //brush, //br)

Description Brushing commands
Usage /brush <forest|cylinder|set|apply|deform|lower|butcher|paint|none|clipboard|gravity|extinguish|sphere|raise|smooth>

/brush forest

Description Forest brush, creates a forest in the area
Permissions worldedit.brush.forest
Usage /brush forest <shape> [radius] [density] <type>
  <shape> The shape of the region
  [radius] The size of the brush
  [density] The density of the brush
  <type> The type of tree to use

/brush cylinder (or /brush cyl, /brush c)

Description Choose the cylinder brush
Permissions worldedit.brush.cylinder
Usage /brush cylinder [-h] <pattern> [radius] [height]
  <pattern> The pattern of blocks to set
  [radius] The radius of the cylinder
  [height] The height of the cylinder
  [-h] Create hollow cylinders instead

/brush set

Description Set brush, sets all blocks in the area
Permissions worldedit.brush.set
Usage /brush set <shape> [radius] <pattern>
  <shape> The shape of the region
  [radius] The size of the brush
  <pattern> The pattern of blocks to set

/brush apply

Description Apply brush, apply a function to every block
Permissions worldedit.brush.apply
Usage /brush apply <shape> [radius] <forest|item|set>
  <shape> The shape of the region
  [radius] The size of the brush

/brush deform

Description Deform brush, applies an expression to an area
Permissions worldedit.brush.deform
Usage /brush deform [-or] <shape> [radius] [expression]
  <shape> The shape of the region
  [radius] The size of the brush
  [expression] Expression to apply
  [-r] Use the game’s coordinate origin
  [-o] Use the placement position as the origin

/brush lower

Description Lower brush, lower all blocks by one
Permissions worldedit.brush.lower
Usage /brush lower <shape> [radius]
  <shape> The shape of the region
  [radius] The size of the brush

/brush butcher (or /brush kill)

Description Butcher brush, kills mobs within a radius
Permissions worldedit.brush.butcher
Usage /brush butcher [-abfgnprt] [radius]
  [radius] Radius to kill mobs in
  [-p] Also kill pets
  [-n] Also kill NPCs
  [-g] Also kill golems
  [-a] Also kill animals
  [-b] Also kill ambient mobs
  [-t] Also kill mobs with name tags
  [-f] Also kill all friendly mobs (Applies the flags -abgnpt)
  [-r] Also destroy armor stands

/brush paint

Description Paint brush, apply a function to a surface
Permissions worldedit.brush.paint
Usage /brush paint <shape> [radius] [density] <forest|item|set>
  <shape> The shape of the region
  [radius] The size of the brush
  [density] The density of the brush

/brush none (or /brush unbind)

Description Unbind a bound brush from your current item
Usage /brush none

/brush clipboard (or /brush copy)

Description Choose the clipboard brush
Permissions worldedit.brush.clipboard
Usage /brush clipboard [-abeo] [-m <sourceMask>]
  [-a] Don’t paste air from the clipboard
  [-o] Paste starting at the target location, instead of centering on it
  [-e] Paste entities if available
  [-b] Paste biomes if available
  [-m <sourceMask>] Skip blocks matching this mask in the clipboard

/brush gravity (or /brush grav)

Description Gravity brush, simulates the effect of gravity
Permissions worldedit.brush.gravity
Usage /brush gravity [-h] [radius]
  [radius] The radius to apply gravity in
  [-h] Affect blocks starting at max Y, rather than the target location Y + radius

/brush extinguish (or /brush ex)

Description Shortcut fire extinguisher brush
Permissions worldedit.brush.ex
Usage /brush extinguish [radius]
  [radius] The radius to extinguish

/brush sphere (or /brush s)

Description Choose the sphere brush
Permissions worldedit.brush.sphere
Usage /brush sphere [-h] <pattern> [radius]
  <pattern> The pattern of blocks to set
  [radius] The radius of the sphere
  [-h] Create hollow spheres instead

/brush raise

Description Raise brush, raise all blocks by one
Permissions worldedit.brush.raise
Usage /brush raise <shape> [radius]
  <shape> The shape of the region
  [radius] The size of the brush

/brush smooth


Choose the terrain softener brush

Example: ‘/brush smooth 2 4 grass_block,dirt,stone’

Permissions worldedit.brush.smooth
Usage /brush smooth [radius] [iterations] [mask]
  [radius] The radius to sample for softening
  [iterations] The number of iterations to perform
  [mask] The mask of blocks to use for the heightmap

Biome Commands

/biomelist (or /biomels)

Description Gets all biomes available.
Permissions worldedit.biome.list
Usage /biomelist [-p <page>]
  [-p <page>] Page number.



Get the biome of the targeted block.

By default, uses all blocks in your selection.

Usage /biomeinfo [-pt]
  [-t] Use the block you are looking at.
  [-p] Use the block you are currently in.



Sets the biome of your current block or region.

By default, uses all the blocks in your selection

Permissions worldedit.biome.set
Usage //setbiome [-p] <target>
  <target> Biome type.
  [-p] Use your current position

Chunk Commands


Description Get information about the chunk you’re inside
Permissions worldedit.chunkinfo
Usage /chunkinfo


Description List chunks that your selection includes
Permissions worldedit.listchunks
Usage /listchunks [-p <page>]
  [-p <page>] Page number.


Description Delete chunks that your selection includes
Permissions worldedit.delchunks
Usage /delchunks [-o <beforeTime>]
  [-o <beforeTime>] Only delete chunks older than the specified time.

Snapshot Commands

/restore (or //restore)

Description Restore the selection from a snapshot
Permissions worldedit.snapshots.restore
Usage /restore [snapshot]
  [snapshot] The snapshot to restore

/snapshot (or /snap)

Description Snapshot commands for restoring backups
Permissions worldedit.snapshots.restore, worldedit.snapshots.list
Usage /snapshot <before|use|sel|after|list>

/snapshot before

Description Choose the nearest snapshot before a date
Permissions worldedit.snapshots.restore
Usage /snapshot before <date>
  <date> The soonest date that may be used

/snapshot use

Description Choose a snapshot to use
Permissions worldedit.snapshots.restore
Usage /snapshot use <name>
  <name> Snapshot to use

/snapshot sel

Description Choose the snapshot based on the list id
Permissions worldedit.snapshots.restore
Usage /snapshot sel <index>
  <index> The list ID to select

/snapshot after

Description Choose the nearest snapshot after a date
Permissions worldedit.snapshots.restore
Usage /snapshot after <date>
  <date> The soonest date that may be used

/snapshot list

Description List snapshots
Permissions worldedit.snapshots.list
Usage /snapshot list [-p <page>]
  [-p <page>] Page of results to return

Scripting Commands


Description Execute a CraftScript
Permissions worldedit.scripting.execute
Usage /cs <filename> [args...]
  <filename> Filename of the CraftScript to load
  [args...] Arguments to the CraftScript


Description Execute last CraftScript
Permissions worldedit.scripting.execute
Usage /.s [args...]
  [args...] Arguments to the CraftScript

Utility Commands


Description Fill a hole
Permissions worldedit.fill
Usage //fill <pattern> <radius> [depth]
  <pattern> The blocks to fill with
  <radius> The radius to fill in
  [depth] The depth to fill


Description Fill a hole recursively
Permissions worldedit.fill.recursive
Usage //fillr <pattern> <radius> [depth]
  <pattern> The blocks to fill with
  <radius> The radius to fill in
  [depth] The depth to fill


Description Drain a pool
Permissions worldedit.drain
Usage //drain [-w] <radius>
  <radius> The radius to drain
  [-w] Also un-waterlog blocks

/fixlava (or //fixlava)

Description Fix lava to be stationary
Permissions worldedit.fixlava
Usage /fixlava <radius>
  <radius> The radius to fix in

/fixwater (or //fixwater)

Description Fix water to be stationary
Permissions worldedit.fixwater
Usage /fixwater <radius>
  <radius> The radius to fix in

/removeabove (or //removeabove)

Description Remove blocks above your head.
Permissions worldedit.removeabove
Usage /removeabove [size] [height]
  [size] The apothem of the square to remove from
  [height] The maximum height above you to remove from

/removebelow (or //removebelow)

Description Remove blocks below you.
Permissions worldedit.removebelow
Usage /removebelow [size] [height]
  [size] The apothem of the square to remove from
  [height] The maximum height below you to remove from

/removenear (or //removenear)

Description Remove blocks near you.
Permissions worldedit.removenear
Usage /removenear <mask> [radius]
  <mask> The mask of blocks to remove
  [radius] The radius of the square to remove from

/replacenear (or //replacenear)

Description Replace nearby blocks
Permissions worldedit.replacenear
Usage /replacenear <radius> [from] <to>
  <radius> The radius of the square to remove in
  [from] The mask matching blocks to remove
  <to> The pattern of blocks to replace with

/snow (or //snow)

Description Simulates snow
Permissions worldedit.snow
Usage /snow [size]
  [size] The radius of the circle to snow in

/thaw (or //thaw)

Description Thaws the area
Permissions worldedit.thaw
Usage /thaw [size]
  [size] The radius of the circle to thaw in

/green (or //green)

Description Converts dirt to grass blocks in the area
Usage /green [-f] [size]
  [size] The radius of the circle to convert in
  [-f] Also convert coarse dirt

/extinguish (or //ex, //ext, //extinguish, /ex, /ext)

Description Extinguish nearby fire
Permissions worldedit.extinguish
Usage /extinguish [radius]
  [radius] The radius of the square to remove in


Description Kill all or nearby mobs
Permissions worldedit.butcher
Usage /butcher [-abfgnprt] [radius]
  [radius] Radius to kill mobs in
  [-p] Also kill pets
  [-n] Also kill NPCs
  [-g] Also kill golems
  [-a] Also kill animals
  [-b] Also kill ambient mobs
  [-t] Also kill mobs with name tags
  [-f] Also kill all friendly mobs (Applies the flags -abgnpt)
  [-r] Also destroy armor stands

/remove (or /rem, /rement)

Description Remove all entities of a type
Permissions worldedit.remove
Usage /remove <remover> <radius>
  <remover> The type of entity to remove
  <radius> The radius of the cuboid to remove from

//calculate (or //calc, //eval, //evaluate, //solve)

Description Evaluate a mathematical expression
Permissions worldedit.calc
Usage //calculate <input...>
  <input...> Expression to evaluate


Description Displays help for WorldEdit commands
Usage //help [-s] [-p <page>] [command...]
  [-s] List sub-commands of the given command, if applicable
  [-p <page>] The page to retrieve
  [command...] The command to retrieve help for