Blocks ====== Blocks are broken into two parts, `type` and `state`. These are represented by the ``BlockType`` and ``BlockState`` classes. An example of block type is ``minecraft:oak_log``, and a state would be the combination of the type ``minecraft:oak_log`` and the `properties` ``[axis=y]``. You can get a ``BlockState`` from a ``BlockType`` using either ``getDefaultState()`` or providing the correct property mappings to ``getState(Map)``. For example, to get the state for ``minecraft:oak_log[axis=y]`` .. code-block:: java BlockType oakLog = Objects.requireNonNull(BlockTypes.OAK_LOG); BlockState yFacingOakLog = oakLog.getState(ImmutableMap.of( oakLog.getProperty("axis"), "y" )); System.err.println("State: " + yFacingOakLog); Some blocks include NBT_, and these are represented by the ``BaseBlock`` type. You can get a ``BaseBlock`` from a ``BlockState`` using ``toBaseBlock(CompoundTag)``. .. _NBT: